Saving and sharing
Sharing a map link
Click on 'Share' and then 'Generate Shareable Link' to generate a sharable link and copy it to the clipboard. This link will load a map that looks exactly like your map when you clicked 'Generate Shareable Link'.
Link sharing is only available for maps which only have remote data sources. This is because it is not possible to link to local files on your computer. If you're interested in sharing private data, please get in touch to discuss our enterprise offerings.
Save an analysis
Because Honeycomb runs directly in the browser, closing the browser window that Honeycomb is running in will cause all work to be lost. To save your work you can export it as a .honey
file by clicking on 'Save File' and then 'Save Analysis'.
The resulting .honey
file will contain the complete state of your analysis, including all data, layers, places, and the current view. You can re-import it to continue working or share with someone else.
Save places as GeoJSON
If you just want to save the geometry of the places displayed on the right, you can click on 'Save File' and then 'Save Places as GeoJSON'. This will download a GeoJSON file with a FeatureCollection containing each place.